Laser Hair Removal for Darker Skin Tones

Laser Hair Removal for All

  • Laser Hair Removal

It used to be that laser hair removal was only effective for lighter skin tones, and those with darker skin would not see results—in fact, it would potentially even be harmful for them. But now, advancements in technology and the great minds behind them have made it possible for all skin types and tones to see results! 

At Gleam Medical Spa we are proud to be keeping up to speed with all the exciting changes and updates for laser hair removal for dark skin tones. 

Why Didn’t It Work Before?

Modern advancements have made it safer than ever for patients with darker skin tones to receive safe, effective laser hair removal treatments. But what was it like before? 

Lasers weren’t advanced enough to differentiate between dark skin and dark hair. So, for people with darker skin, this meant risking hyperpigmentation, blisters, and burns, which would happen when the laser mistakenly focused on the skin surrounding the hair follicle.

The Change in TechnoloGY

New lasers are exceptional at treating darker skin tones without causing burning, pigmentation changes, or other types of harm. The new technology allows the specific laser wavelength to penetrate directly to the blood supply of the hair follicle, therefore safely and effectively treating darker skin tones.

While previous tools have had its own perks, providing laser hair removal for darker skin tones in a new way is so that through taking this controlled manner it can prevent burning ones skin. It also uses an instant cooling device for additional comfort.

We have a few different laser wavelengths in our office, so our laser technicians are able to provide the absolute best treatment based on your hair and skin type.

Set up a Consultation With the Gleam Team Today, and Say Goodbye to All That Unwanted Hair!

If you’re ready to get started at Gleam Medical Spa—to discover the full potential of your true beauty and confidence—book your first appointment today. We’re so excited to get to know you and to introduce you to your most beautiful self.

If you have any additional questions about medical aesthetics, give us a call. We’d love to hear from you!

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Laser Hair Removal in Denver